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ELICOS  |  High Schools  |  VET  |  Universities
10 easy steps


  1. Download the AIECG Application Form from our website: www.aiec.asia
  2. Complete and sign the AIECG Application Form.  Attach the following supporting documents:
    1. Copy of your child’s last two years’ school reports (Certified and translated in English)
    2. Copy of your child’s passport showing your date of birth
    3. Copy of any English test results (if available)
  3. Send your completed Application Form and the above supporting documents to us:
    1. By fax: 61 7 3952 6968
    2. By email: admin@aiecg.com.au
    3. By mail: AIECG. PO Box 1133, Kenmore, QLD 4069, Australia
  4. We will assess your application and send you an Offer for your English College and/or school
  5. Once you receive your offer, you would need to:
    1. Sign the ‘Acceptance Form/s’ to indicate that you accept the Offer/s
    2. Complete the respective school’s ‘Enrolment Form’
    3. Pay your initial fees to the nominated bank accounts
    4. Send all the above documents and proof of payment to AIECG by email or fax
  6. After we receive your acceptance, payment and the completed enrolment form for your school, we will issue a ‘Confirmation of Enrolment’ (COE).  If your child will be living in school approved accommodation, we will also issue you a ‘Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare Form’ (CAAW Form).
  7. Once you receive the COE, you need to contact your local Australian High Commission/ Consular office to obtain a student visa for your child
  8. After the student visa is issued, you would need to book a flight to Australia.  Please send us your child’s arrival details, so we can arrange airport reception and homestay for them (if needed)
  9. We will organize to meet your child at the airport and transfer them to their accommodation.  We will contact you to let you know that your child has arrived safely.
  10. We will be in touch with your child throughout their English/ School program, so your child can always ask us for help with anything.